A Christmas Devotion

Every Advent season is different. As I go back and read different things I have written this time of year, I can see that each season of Advent has had its particular flavor. Some have been super busy. Some have been emotionally difficult, like the first year without my mom. Some have been filled with lots of excitement and energy. The one thing they all have had in common is the joy I rediscover every year when I spend time hanging out at the manger. I intentionally read the birth story and spend time thinking about what that means for me and also where God might be wanting me to grow in my relationship with Him.

It is the task of discovering joy that is so important for me. I can sometimes be a stick in the mud and have a negative attitude about things, like shopping. I really do not like to shop. I really do not like crowds. So, this time of year when you put both together, I can literally turn into the Grinch! I even have Grinch pajamas! Maybe I should wear them shopping and people would move out of my way! The thing is, if I do not look for the joy in the season, I can easily miss the whole purpose of the Christmas celebration! Thus, that is why Advent, the season of preparation and repentance is so very important for me. I must take the time to discover the joy, even in the midst of the cultural Christmas chaos.

Joy can be found all around us, and is especially revealed in the “small things,” but can only be appreciated when we fully stop and recognize it. So far for me it is many of my relationships at church, or when a parishioner matures a little in their own faith. Joy for me is in my time with my reading mentee at the school where I volunteer. It is also in the quiet times at my home with my wife and dogs. It is with my youth and children at the church. It is also when I am walking with a friend who is going through difficult times. It is everywhere when I take the time to realize what is most important in my life.

How about you? Are you looking for joy this season, or simply trying to survive? Can you discover the joy that Christ child intends for us all to experience by taking the time and noticing the real world around you? Maybe this year can be filled with much more joy, if we created the space for it in our crazy lives.

Much Joy!!
Pastor Richard


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