Join a Small Group
February 1 - February 28

We invite you to join one or two!
Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study
Class meets in Room 3 at 10 am
Join us as we dive into “Faith as John Wesley Lived it” by Adam Hamilton
On Feb. 25 we’ll begin a Lenten study: “24Hours that Changed the World”
New Community Sunday School
Meets in Room 3 at 10 am
Starting a new study, great time to give Adult Sunday School a try
Book title: Creed
Considers, with us, important
questions of life, reality, and truth
Middle Ground Sunday School
Meets in Room 1 at 10 am
Grit Don’t Quit
get back up and keep going: learning fro Paul’s example
Dive into the stories of Paul and others who have come before us
to show how they overcame the struggles of life
NOTE: Middle Ground doesNOT meet on the first Sunday of the month.
They join the with Kid’s Quest in the fellowship hall.